Flexible lacquering procedures for optimum coating
The focus of the ProtectoXP is the maintainability, intuitive programme configuration and ultra-flexible equipment that can be adapted to customer requirements. The patented Stream-Coat® nozzles measuring up to 100mm long and only 2.4mm thick enable a protective coating between tightly packed, tall components. This means expensive and time-consuming manual re-coating is a thing of the past. Furthermore, different application methods can be achieved "on the fly", without changing the applicator and without splatters.
All-in-One Lacquering
The patented Stream-Coat® nozzles are compatible with all conventional coatings, from low-viscosity to high-viscosity. An external diameter of just 2.4mm with a length of up to 100mm allows optimum coating even for tightly packed, tall components or under the components. With the Protecto lacquering systems you can carry out the various selective application procedures of dispensing, spraying, jetting and (only with the XP) curtain coating “on the fly”. An implicit air nozzle precisely dispenses the coating and distributes it with little splatter or mist. The homogeneous film of coating can, with the aid of the adjustable airstream, even be applied under or behind adjacent component pins and in shadow zones without the need to tilt the applicator.
Precise lacquer application
The Protecto systems are designed to ensure that the required volume of coating is always evenly applied, whether through a pressure valve, a cartridge or a pump from the original container. Automatic needle measurement checks the target position of the applicators in freely definable cycles and, if necessary, corrects the coating programme. The dispensing of the lacquer is controlled by the software, which loads the appropriate coating program with the suitable lacquer and nozzle type. An optional heated nozzle keeps the protective coating always at a constant temperature and thus a consistent viscosity regardless of environmental conditions. A specially developed lacquer lance with a level indicator prevents bubble formation when changing the lacquer.
Fiducial camera
For absolute process reliability, the ProtectoXP is optionally equipped with a fiducial camera. This means the coating program can be corrected and aligned by registering the marks even if a board is laid into the flight bar inaccurately. A barcode checks whether the set coating program is right for the assembly in place. If there is a deviation the process is automatically blocked.
Process locking
Depending on the production environment, the ProtectoXP can optionally be connected to an MES in a different way. The combination of the various expansion levels, production data collection, traceability and process and material locking ensures flexible manufacturing. The ProtectoXP can optionally be connected to a line master computer or an MES. Depending on the expansion level, various data can be communicated between the MES and ProtectoXP. An interface developed specially by Rehm is used for this (ROI – Rehm Open Interface).