Training starts at Rehm in 2023

The 2023/2024 training year has started and once again many young people will be entering professional life via a dual training or dual study programme. More than half of them will opt for an apprenticeship in the metal and electrical industry, including nine young people from the region who will start their training at Rehm Thermal Systems.

The major tasks of the future, such as the mobility and energy turnaround as well as the expansion of digitalisation or housing construction, are being driven forward by globally active SMEs that urgently need qualified young people to implement these tasks.

Dual training is a guarantee for a successful professional life and is therefore still popular among school leavers. But despite all this, the declining number of apprenticeships continues to rise due to demographic change. In addition, many young people still prefer studying to an apprenticeship. For example, the number of retirees currently exceeds the number of school leavers by a factor of two. "Demography cannot be stopped. That's why we as employers have to make apprenticeships as attractive as possible and give young people the best possible start to their careers," says Manuela Sebabi, head of training for the commercial sector at Rehm Thermal Systems.

With a total of more than 30 trainees and dual students in various training years and disciplines, the two regional employers are well on the way to introducing the all-important junior staff to their future tasks in their own company and thus remaining competitive in the future.

The fact that this succeeds even in times of unfilled apprenticeship places is due, among other things, to the close cooperation partnerships with surrounding schools, as well as taster internships and applicant training. Participation in career fairs and information days in the region also ensure that applications are already being received for the start in 2024.

In times of a shortage of skilled workers, it is important to position oneself as a future-oriented, innovative company that is constantly developing. This is the only way to succeed in retaining employees and strengthening the team with new specialists. The award for Employer of the Future, which Rehm Thermal Systems only recently received, also honours this development from a neutral side and shows that the company is on the right path to counteracting the shortage of skilled workers.

For anyone looking for a permanent position or an apprenticeship, Rehm Thermal Systems and Rehm Blechtec always offer open applicant dating on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 - 6 pm in Blaubeuren-Seissen. Interested parties can find out about the jobs on offer and career opportunities in an uncomplicated way and without having to submit elaborate application documents; career changers are also welcome here.