Rehm Produces in a New Clean Room in China

The new clean room at the factory in Dongguan, China

For the manufacture of many products, such as semiconductors, cleanrooms are a mandatory requirement for high quality and product safety, as even the smallest impurities can damage the product. To ensure that the systems can also be used in cleanrooms, Rehm Thermal Systems has set up a cleanroom at its factory in Dongguan, China, which meets the highest international standards.

For certain industries, such as medical technology, aerospace technology or the semiconductor industry, particularly high hygiene requirements apply to the workplace: here, the concentration of microparticles (e.g. dust, exhaust fumes or pollen) in the room air must not exceed a certain limit value. A room that fulfils these requirements is known as a cleanroom. Cleanrooms are categorised into special cleanroom classes depending on the particle density. Their operation is subject to strict standards: for example, the furnishings, equipment and machines must also fulfil the requirements of the cleanroom in order to prevent damage caused by contamination during production and to achieve high-quality end results.

Rehm Thermal Systems has set up a clean room at its factory in Dongguan, China, to ensure that the produced systems are as free of tiny particles as possible. To ensure that it meets the highest international standards, Rehm Thermal Systems commissioned comprehensive tests. These show that the cleanroom fully fulfils the requirements of the GB 50472-2008 (CN) and ISO Class 5 (EU) standards (US old: Class 100).

This makes the cleanroom ideal for the production of the VisionX Semico, a reflow soldering system for semiconductor production, for example, in order to protect the highly complex circuits of the semiconductor components from impurities that could affect the functionality of the components.

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