The Berlin Technology Forum is being held in the capital for the 14th time - and Rehm Thermal Systems is once again taking part as a partner company. At the Siemens AG Conference Center Berlin, participants can look forward to interesting presentations on the topics of sustainability, automation and digitalisation in electronics production and find out what will be important in intelligent production in the future. Take the opportunity to find out about the latest trends or to talk to the participants and experts on site in person.
Practically relevant presentations, outlooks on future trends in electronics production, short spotlights in which companies present their latest topics and invite discussion and the exchange of experience on insights already gained have always been at the centre of the event jointly organised by Siemens and Rehm Thermal Systems. This year's event will once again focus on the hot topics of sustainability, process optimisation and digitalisation. Here is an overview:
SUSTAINABILITY: On the way to circular value creation
Europe's Green Deal: Circular value creation as the new normal? Dr Claas Oehlmann (MBA) from the Federation of German Industries takes you on the home stretch of the European Green Deal and asks whether circular value creation will be the new normal.
Digitalisation + Technology + Innovation = Sustainability Marina Patricia Hornasek-Metzl from AT & S Austria shows how the intelligent use of digitalisation, new technologies and green electronics can lead to an efficient sustainability transformation.
Who will fund my project? Federal research and innovation funding Alexandra Bender from the federal government's "Research and Innovation" funding advisory service provides insights into funding opportunities for innovative projects in business and science.
Service through remote collaboration: the benefits of assisted reality Nicole Vielberg & Georg Schoeler from Siemens AG show how assisted reality and smart glasses are revolutionising service through remote collaboration.
Machine learning, NLP and ethical boundaries Jan Keil from Software Aspekte SA GmbH sheds light on the impact of artificial intelligence on industry, society and our everyday lives.
Artificial intelligence based on LLMs Erik Jung from Fraunhofer IZM presents application scenarios for AI in the business environment and takes a look at the future.
"No backup - no pity": IT structures in manufacturing Olaf Römer from ATEcare explores the question of what the special features of IT structures in manufacturing are and how far AI has already progressed.
Data mining in assembly production Tom Dobs from Siemens AG will provide insights into what information production data reveals about the reliability of assemblies.
Take the opportunity to discuss directly with experts and discover innovative solutions in the accompanying table top exhibition. The partner companies Siemens, Rehm Thermal Systems, ASM Assembly Systems, ASYS Group, Balver Zinn, ATEcare, Christian Koenen, kolb Cleaning Technology, MTM Ruhrzinn, Vliesstoff Kasper and Zevac look forward to talking to you.
Register now and actively shape the future of your industry! Be part of the change!
Conference language is German.